Who is FiH?

We are a community of interest of amateur radio operators working full-time and as volunteers in aid organisations, i.e. the “Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS)” (authorities and organisations with security tasks) and similar associations.

We first met end of 1995 in the packet radio convers channel 112. Under the leadership of Karsten, DL2ABM, Kai, DL1GJJ, and Florian, DL2OCL, the “Interessengemeinschaft der ‘Funkamateure in Hilfsorganisationen’” (IG FiH) was founded in January 1997.

More about the history of the IG FiH


Anyone who is a member of a BOS or a comparable service and who informs us of his activity by QSL card or letter and SASE (prepaid envelope with 1 Euro) can become a member (free of charge) of our association of interests from amateur radio and activity in a BOS. Please state your address, DOK, organisation and activity/specialist service and do not forget the return postage! The easiest way, however, is to send all this data informally by e-mail to (show address). Club stations of the BOS are also welcome.

The list of members is available on our internet pages or can be requested with a stamped return envelope. This provides the opportunity to get in touch with over 850 FiH members – also on the subject of “amateur emergency radio”.

Member list of the IG FiH

Blue Light Diploma

We issue our “Blue Light Diploma” for proven radio communications and SWL confirmations with our FiH club stations (special DOK FiH), with the member club stations of the aid organisations as well as with our members.

Announcement of the Blue Light Diploma


To finance the running costs, more or less useful things can be purchased in our small web shop. Especially the mugs are very popular and will be sold out soon. A new edition is being planned. However, the current price will be out of reach (after all, it’s been 30 years).

All articles in the shop

Planned activities

In order to breathe some life back into the community, we want to meet regularly on the band. We will discuss here which activities (contest or similar) will take effect in the long term. Besides FiH members, guests are of course also very welcome.

The first event of this kind took place on 2022-02-11 at 19:00 CET on 3.696 MHz. It was well received. After the meeting at the Funk.Tag in Kassel 2023, another meeting was to take place at Ham Radio. Unfortunately, the participation was very low. But we had interesting conversations with English radio operators who want to become (and became) members of us. They are from St. John's Ambulance or were in the police service. We want to help them to build up an organisation like IG FiH in England. But first they will stay with us. Since German is not very widespread in England, this homepage is now also available in English. All conversations were held in English anyway, which is now normal in business life.

Notice: We are not an emergency radio organisation, as our members already have their tasks in the aid organisations.